Hope Rearranges Everything

Mother Earth is Hiring:
Shop local~ Buy Pre-Loved Furniture~ ~Support Neighbors In Need ~Donate
Mother Earth is Hiring:
Shop local~ Buy Pre-Loved Furniture~ ~Support Neighbors In Need ~Donate
We are a small, hopeful social enterprise.
ChairTableHome LLC
("charitable home")
PLANET: We divert household/dorm student furniture and household goods from the landfill, partnering with Colorado State University, apartment complexes and members of the community when they vacate their homes.
PEOPLE: We partner with local non-profits to p
We are a small, hopeful social enterprise.
ChairTableHome LLC
("charitable home")
PLANET: We divert household/dorm student furniture and household goods from the landfill, partnering with Colorado State University, apartment complexes and members of the community when they vacate their homes.
PEOPLE: We partner with local non-profits to provide much needed second hand household essentials to their clients. We seek to shore up the work of Social Workers in the community,
who are the backbone of the provision of services to our under-served neighbors.
PLACE: We support the students and community of Fort Collins by repairing, preserving and re-selling low cost household goods and furniture . This reduces waste, promotes local economy, and seeks to prevent high consumerism of new goods with viable options available.
Fort Collins is amazing, vibrant and
a city on the move.
From May to August,
tens of thousands of students, residents, and visitors sail in and out of town.
Tons (many, many tons...) of useful chairs, adorable pillows, tables with character, bookshelves that hold wisdom, plates and forks and knives to feed the masses, and all
Fort Collins is amazing, vibrant and
a city on the move.
From May to August,
tens of thousands of students, residents, and visitors sail in and out of town.
Tons (many, many tons...) of useful chairs, adorable pillows, tables with character, bookshelves that hold wisdom, plates and forks and knives to feed the masses, and all other quirky items get sent to the dump, never reaching their full potential.
With the County's landfill set to close in 2024, items tossed are items lost.
Your trash is not only someone's treasure,
it could be a necessity.
Want to Help?
Are you a fixer, creative or want to volunteer? Susan@ChairTableHome.com
WHO: Founded by a Clinical Social Worker (Adoptions, Foster Care, Geriatric/dementia):
a Master Composting/ Worm Farming, Photographing, Mother Earth~Tree Hugging,
and all the hard working volunteers who support our mission;
WHAT: We accept pre-loved furniture and household donations from the community, even furniture
WHO: Founded by a Clinical Social Worker (Adoptions, Foster Care, Geriatric/dementia):
a Master Composting/ Worm Farming, Photographing, Mother Earth~Tree Hugging,
and all the hard working volunteers who support our mission;
WHAT: We accept pre-loved furniture and household donations from the community, even furniture needing repair (evaluation required). We re-sell to the student and FoCo community, and regularly donate a portion of our inventory to local non-profits.
WHEN: We are seasonally available from
May to August,
when all the stuff ends up on the sidewalk or landfill;
WHERE: We seasonally rent a large Shop just north of Old Town, with items also listed and purchased online, or by visiting us
by appointment only.
Our items sell fast and it is best to follow
(and LIKE!) ChairTableHome on
Instagram and Facebook. Our inventory on this site lags behind sales.
(Yes, we pick up and deliver when possible)
WHY: Serving the environment and
community, ChairTableHome LLC
captures, repairs and reconnects
previously loved furniture
with always-loved students, locals, and especially, neighbors in need.
In our off season, (September - April) we work remotely, connecting donations
with case managers
for their clients in need of furnishings.
Local Social Workers and Case Managers:
Please send client request/needs
970-236-6249 or via email to
Out of State Parents or Students:
You can pre-purchase your student's items
prior to Fall semester. Please call 970-236-6249 to request needed items (purchase required plus storage fee,
pick up in August)
We will d
Local Social Workers and Case Managers:
Please send client request/needs
970-236-6249 or via email to
Out of State Parents or Students:
You can pre-purchase your student's items
prior to Fall semester. Please call 970-236-6249 to request needed items (purchase required plus storage fee,
pick up in August)
We will do our best to hunt it down for you!
Departing Fort Collins?
We'll miss you, but we will find a new home for your gently loved household goods
Call for arrangements, item evaluation,
and pick up.
We are back for our sixth season (MAY-AUGUST)!
We are one of several agencies on Colorado State University campus for their sustainability dorm move out program every year. It is wonderful, amazing, and yet still a bit disheartening that so much usable household goods go straight into our (soon to be closing) Landfill.
We do our best to re-route those goods as donations to those in need to our community, and make them available for re-sale for incoming students and the FoCo community.
Thanks for being part of the solution, and the circular economy.
Following our Insta or FB page provides a more real time status of inventory.
Items go quickly and site inventory posts lag behind.
We are an appointment ONLY Shop as our Shop is rented on private property.
Out of State families can call and receive updates/pictures of available items,
and a small storage fee can hold them until DORM move-in in August.
ZELLE or cash only payments
We run May-August when all the moving and shaking happens in town!
We thank Colorado State University,
CSU Housing/ Dining Services and Sustainability
The City of Fort Collins, and our steady volunteer pool of
amazing teen men and their Mamas at Young Men's Service League NoCo,
the staff and volunteers at Homeward Alliance, and CSU Social Work Interns
for your ongoing support of our mission to divert usable household items from the landfill.
We fix/repair/refurbish in order to resell low cost furniture to the community.
We donated approximately one fourth -one third of our inventory last season
to non-profits and people in need.
We create "Starter Boxes"
(basically a "kitchen in a box" plus bedding- whatever we have on hand!)
to the many non-profits and case managers who serve our neighbors in need.
You are welcome to contact us directly if you are one of our neighbors in need.
You are welcome to contact us directly if you have items to donate. Thank you!
Get 10% off your first purchase when you sign up for our newsletter!
February 14, 2023
Our not-very-regular post to help you make doable changes that reflect your values.
We can't be perfect environmentalists, but we can together start a tsunami of change.
Our love language is "Walk Gently."
Happy Valentines Day to our fellow lovers of flowers (buy local!)
Sad fact: Most long stem red roses come from Ecuador, because the stems grow straight due to the proximity to the equator= huge carbon footprint. Don't let marketing dictate your choices